All you Psychically Curious! The Misfits! The Spiritual Warriors! The Inquisitives!


The Empowered Psychic Development
Monthly Membership

This is for you if...

You have an interest in developing your Psychic Abilities from Clairvoyance to Clairaudience, from Crystal balls to Card readings, from Meditations to Manifestations and beyond…

You may be the black sheep of the family, and you have an inkling that you may have psychic abilities and would like to explore them further.

You are inquisitive, and interested in understanding  authentic spirituality, and are beginning to question the meaning of life and would like to recognise the signs and symbols from loved one's.

You are ready to raise the bar in your life and just KNOW that YOU are meant for more...

I'm so pleased that you asked that question!

I have created a gentle paced, low investment monthly membership just for you!

So how does the Empowered Psychic Development Monthly Membership

We meet LIVE on Zoom fortnightly to go through all the different aspects of developing your psychic abilities via numerous exercises that you will actively take part in. Building strong foundations for your future psychic work.

There are monthly Modules on a private portal for you to work through.

There will also be fortnightly implementation weeks where we will get together and you will take the time to enhance what you have learned the previous week, with your accountability partner and in a group environment.

You will be part of an awesome private clients-only Facebook group with unlimited community support.

We go slow, which means a far lower investment for you...

In fact there's so much for you in the membership, here's what you get below.

When you enrol into the Empowered Psychic Development Monthly Membership you will receive:

1. Monthly training modules - Once a month, a new module will become available for you to go through.
These modules will teach you step by step to develop your psychic abilities straight out of the box. This consists of video trainings, PDF's, slides and exercises.

2. There will be 2 x live group psychic training calls per month on Zoom. These will be recorded so that if you can't make it live you can watch them on replay. On these group training calls we will go through what is taught on the modules as well as doing live psychic exercises on each other to fine tune your abilities.

3. 2 x implementation weeks for us to get together to help you to implement what you have learned on the group coaching calls as well as in the modules. This time is used for catching up, asking questions, doing practical exercises, grabbing your accountability partner to do work with. These sessions are invaluable and are a real asset to your development.

4. Unlimited support in the closed private Facebook group. Here you can ask any questions, and for the juicy ones, I will do a live on them! You can also put your questions here if you cannot make a live training. Here you will also put your wins so that everyone can see!

5. An accountability partner to help keep you on track. Sometimes we may get behind a little bit every now and then, so your accountability partner will help boost you up to keep you on track. Lifetime friendships are made here!

6. You will be taught the FOUR FOUNDATIONAL PILLARS:

These pillars will underpin your foundations of your whole Psychic journey in life. We will work on these regularly so that they become second nature to you.

7. You will receive training on utilising different Divinations and how they will enhance your journey: Crystal Balls, Oracle Cards, Paper Readings, Bibliomancy, Scrying, and more! This is really exciting! Which one will you be drawn to and work with?

8. We uncover what karma and karmic debt really is and what to do about it.  We take life for granted but do we realise that we are building up karmic debt? This training will get you to look at your life and how you are with others in a new light!

9. We will go through chakras and auras, what they are, how they work, how to read them and how to get them to work at optimal performance so you are on top form!

10. You will be taught about the fears and myths regarding psychic abilities and where they come from and how to overcome them, then utilise them to strengthen your abilities. You will become a Spiritual Warrior!

11. Working with Pendulums - How to choose the right one for you, the different types, the one's to use for different needs, how to cleanse them, how NOT to cleanse them, how to use them to communicate with loved one's, use them for decision making, and to get answers to your questions to keep you on the right path.

12. We also go through the signs and symbols that our loved ones place in front of us every day to let us know that they are around us, along with the messages that they have for us.

Everything that you need to gain clarity on the signs, symbols, thoughts, feelings and visions that you experience daily, which will SKYROCKET your psychic abilities as well as being part of an amazing psychic family!

This is a monthly programme so that you can take your time to learn at your own pace.


As a member of the monthly membership you will benefit from HUGE discounts on other services that Pure Soul offers:

7 card LIVE 1-2-1 Spiritual Guidance readings - Over 30% OFF! - Saving £50/$60

LIVE Aura Scanner readings - Over 30% OFF! - Saving £50/$60

Quantum Bio-resonance diagnostics scans - 20% OFF - Saving £100/$125

Rife machine frequency healing programmes - To be discussed

LIVE meditations - 50% OFF - Saving £11.11 / $14

Spiritual cleanses - Over 50% OFF! - Saving £100/$125

Group workshops - Over 30% OFF! - Saving £50/$60

and more!...


I will help you to remove any fears that you may have regarding psychic abilities.

I will help you to discover who you really are and what you are capable of.

I will help you to understand that you are not alone and that what you are experiencing is normal.

I will help you to discover your strengths and how to utilise them.

Enrol into the
Empowered Psychic Development Membership
begin your journey into
the world of
Psychics and Mediums
and unleash your true potential!

The world needs YOU!

No more guesswork!

No more thinking that your crazy!

No more feeling lost and lonely!

No more overthinking!

No more overwhelm!


ONLY £47pcm/$60pcm for the whole duration of your membership, instead of £77pcm/$97pcm!
This Founding Members discount will NOT be around for long!

So don't delay!

For those who wish to work on and develop their psychic abilities
within a chilled community environment!

The Empowered Psychic Development Monthly Membership starts on Monday 10th June!

The Empowered Psychic Monthly Membership


per month



We have you covered. Every live training will be recorded and placed into your Membership portal.

The group psychic coaching calls are 2 hours long twice a month. These are recorded and you will have access to them whilst you are in the Membership.

I completely understand that the price may be an issue - but consider looking at this as an investment in yourself.

The Membership is an ongoing monthly programme to keep the cost affordable and you can stop at any time.

 What you will gain will be so much more than any purchase you have spent your money on.

The techniques you will learn are life skills and they will certainly support and assist you throughout your life with any decisions you need to make. Your development  will unlock huge potentials for you.  

You have access to them during your time in the membership.